Sunday 8 March 2015

What a good team member should never do?

1. Never laugh at others: Good team members should never make a joke of other team member's point of view. It will create a negative environment and will result in conflicts.

2. Never discourage team members: If people in a team always discourage each other, the whole team lose confidence and become unable to do well in the assigned work.

3. Never say impossible to things: Team members should never say that things are impossible or we cannot do that. The team members should not have a negative state of mind. Moreover, these type of people in a team lead to failure of whole team.

4. Never put burden on one person: In a team, every person should equally participate. Team members should never put the whole burden on one member or the group leader.

5. Never say bad things about organization: Team members should respect the organization's rules and policies. They should never say anything bad about their organization.

6. Never say I can do everything: A good team member should not think that he/she can do everything. When somebody think that he/she can do work without other members help, it destroys relations as well as work capacity of people. 

Qualities of Effective team player

  • Activeness: A team player should be active to work effectively in a team. There should be equal participation of every team member. Every member should engage in the work, listen, speak and don't sit in a quite mood on one side because it is the duty of every team member to participate properly.
  • Communicate constructively: When you are working in a team, don't get shy to tell anything rather team members should clearly and confidently share their ideas and knowledge with the team.
  • Cooperate: Cooperation is very essential in a group because if you work in a cooperative way then it can give better results than working alone in a team. People can help each other and exchange their important information with others team members.
  • Good behaviour: team member should respect and support each other as it improves good relations and understanding between them. They should have trust on each other while working in a team and don't be rude to anyone in a team.
  • Solve problems: All people think differently to one another so when they come together and talk on topic and discuss problems to find solutions then they lead to better results.

How a successful team is formed?

Every group needs collaboration of team members to be successful. Large companies need specialists of different fields to work for the benefits of the company. Those specialists have to communicate with each other via online discussion, face to face communication or sometimes on the telephone too. So, it is very necessary for team members to work together for the completion of the projects.

1. There should be equality in all team members. So, that every member trust each other and respect each other's ideas.

2. There should not be any kind of bias between team members. A group leader should treat all the members equally.

3. If conflicts occur in a team, group members should try to resolve them to make a successful team.

4. Every member should talk freely with others because participation is very important in a team to work efficiently.

5. The leader should set the guidelines for group members to achieve the goal.

6. Positive attitude is very necessary to build a strong team. All members should praise each other's ideas and give a positive feedback to each other.

7. The group leader should motivate all group members so that they can do much better for the teamwork.

8. Clear communication is essential to avoid any kind of misunderstanding among team members. 

9. Encourage listening among team members and motivate them to participate and give ideas for group discussion.


What is the Importance of teamwork?

  • Improved Employee Relations: Teamwork give workers an opportunity to make a good bonding between team members, which enhances relationship among them. In a team, every member contribute to do tasks, it helps to improve relations and built trust among them. In this way, team become successful at the end.
  • Increase work efficiency: Teamwork makes a person able to do tasks faster and effectively rather than working individually. It minimizes the workload and work pressure on every worker when team members divide their tasks.
  • Learning opportunities: In a team, people learn many new skills or talents because every person differs from one another. By cooperating and sharing the ideas of each other, it gives better results for the completion of task.
  • Team makes work fun: When people work in a team, all members share ideas and then complete assigned tasks together. It is great fun to work with other team members, it also reduces tensions and pressure from every person's mind.
  • Team multiplies success: In a team, all members work together on every part of project, in this way there are less chances of mistakes and errors. On team, individuals can cooperate and perform significantly more than they can do by themselves.


What is teamwork and its stages?

Definition of team: Teamwork is a group of people who work together to get a common goal. It is very necessary for running any business smoothly. Team members cooperate with one another in difficult situations, tackle issues and make a good decision. In order to be successful, there must be equality in a team.

In a teamwork, people use several types of skills for example individual skills, communication skills, participating, help each other and respect others opinions.

Stages of team building:
  • Forming: In this stage, group leader direct the group and make clear targets, both for the group overall and for individual colleagues. People are selected to make a team and work together to get to know about other team members.
  • Storming: During the second phase, the individuals explain their roles and responsibilities, choose how to achieve their objectives. This stage also deliver conflicts but a good leader can decrease them.
  • Norming:  Step back and help colleagues assume liability for advancement towards the objective. Important information is shared between the whole groups.
  • Performing: This is the last stage of team building where the team members are ready to perform their tasks and achieve definite goals.
